Discover card commercial asian actress

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Asian American Commercial Watch: Discover’s ‘”Freak Out: Spread …

This spot is called “Freak Out: Spread the News,” starring actress Stephanie Hsu. Discover Card has had Asian Americans in their commercials before. In fact, it looks like they have revisited the …

who is the asian girl in the discover card commercial – …

Who Is The Asian Girl In The Discover Card Commercial? This spot is called “Freak Out: Spread the News,” starring actress Stephanie Hsu. Discover Card has had Asian Americans in their commercials before. Oct 26, 2018. Who is the girl at the end of the discovery commercial?

FAQ discover card commercial asian actress

Who is the actress in the new Discover Card commercial?

This spot is called “Freak Out: Spread the News,” starring actress Stephanie Hsu. Discover Card has had Asian Americans in their commercials before. In fact, it looks like they have revisited the character from a previous Discover card ad about an office holiday part y.

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Is there an Asian American in the Discover Card commercial?

Discover Card has had Asian Americans in their commercials before. In fact, it looks like they have revisited the character from a previous Discover card ad about an office holiday part y. that she gets cash back matched by Discover Card on the amount she earns herself.

Who is Stephanie Hsu in the new Discover Card commercial?

Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. T his currently airing 30-second spot for Discover Card has Stephanie Hsu as a Discover cardholder calling to ask a representative, played by Alice Lee, about her cashback bonus.

Why are Stephanie and Alice in the same Discover Card commercial?

Perhaps they wanted viewers to think it is the same girl in both roles because of Discover Card’s ad slogan; “At Discover, we treat you like you’d treat you.” Maybe Stephanie or Alice can say for sure.

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"Freak Out" Spread the News Cashback Match Discover it Commercial :30

Stephanie Hsu & Alice Lee Discover Card Commercial


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