Discover card threatening legal action

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Discover Card threatening legal action – Debt Settlement …

Discover Card threatening legal action Discover Card threatening legal action. By MojoXN, April 21, 2008 in Debt Settlement. Share More sharing options… Followers 0. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. MojoXN. Posted April 21, 2008. MojoXN. … in the worst-case scenario that Discover proceeds with legal action against me, which personal property is …

Discover Card Threatening Legal Action – ExpertLaw

Re: Discover Card Threatening Legal Action Yes, they might very well still sue you (even for the small amt. of your balance) & get a judgment against you. They can then seize all non-exempt assets in your state.

FAQ discover card threatening legal action

Does Discover Bank sue its own customers?

Many original creditors do not file lawsuits or they sell their accounts to a debt buyer. Discover Bank has historically kept their own accounts and pursued them by filing collection lawsuits. Discover Bank will rely on witness testimony in a “business record affidavit” when trying to prove their case against you.

What can DoNotPay do about robocalls threatening legal action?

Robocalls threatening legal action are a serious problem DoNotPay can help you resolve. But, there is so much more we can do for you. Through our app’s many features, you can also: To get our help with some of these tedious everyday tasks, open DoNotPay through a web browser.

What is a business record affidavit from Discover Bank?

Discover Bank will rely on witness testimony in a “business record affidavit” when trying to prove their case against you. It is important to fully understand the rules of evidence when attacking these affidavits and any documents attached.

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